
New Installments Family That Girl Band

Friday, March 4, 2005

Okay... I know it's been damn near two years but sometimes life gets in the way a little more than you'd like. Thank you to all of our VERY patient and VERY understanding fans and readers who have put up with the wait. 

Now without further ado... here's the latest installment of Unbroken:

Season Two: Installment Ten - Taking Over Me

Be sure to feed the bards!!! Have a great weekend!!!!Buh-Bye!

Sunday, April 6, 2003

Hey there everyone... Sorry for the delay but the band had to play last night and with Daylight Savings Time added in as well, I didn't get in until after 5:00 this morning... Oh well.... 

We have a couple new things this week... the That Girl Band website has gone through a major update... Go over and take a look... Sign in to the guest book and let them know what you think... And don't forget to check out the new Music page... Here, you can hear small snid-bits of the songs before you buy it...

As for Unbroken, we have Installment Nine ready for your reading enjoyment....

Season Two: Installment Nine - Get The Table

Be sure to feed the bards!!! Have a great day!!! Buh-Bye!

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Here it is... ready for your approval...

Season Two: Installment Eight - The Gathering Begins

Please remember to feed the bards... and in the words of Jerry Springer: Take Care of yourselves... and eachother.

Sunday, March 9, 2003

Well... I believe the only thing I have to say this week is: Just remember... no matter where you go, that's where you are... Oh yeah... And here's this week's new installment.

Season Two: Installment Seven - Two Cents At A Time-It All Adds Up

See you soon! Enjoy and remember to feed your friendly neighborhood bard!!!

Sunday,February 23, 2003

Can't say too much today. Power went out several times last night so the new installment could not be posted. Sorry for the delay but here's the new installment.

Season Two: Installment Six - The Adventure Begins

Be sure to feed the bards!!! OK... Gotta go, I don't think I know anymore HTML codes...<bg> 


Sunday, February 9, 2003

Hope everyone is looking forward to this week's installment. Because if you're not, well then, too bad because it's here. Season Two: Installment Five - Reaping What You Sow. Hope everyone enjoys this one. Things are starting to get pretty interesting on Sam's side of the family. So go check it out and let us know what you think by joining our Yahoo Group, where you can also find all of the Season One Installments, or send an email our way... We LOVE getting new emails...<bg>  

On a separate note, we would just like to say that our thoughts and prayers are with the family and loved ones of the Columbia Crew. God Bless...

Sunday, January 26, 2003

So, is everybody ready for the Superbowl? Or is everyone ready for the new installment? Or maybe even both...<bg> Well, the site should be back to normal now with all links working correctly. Some of you have emailed and asked about TGB's show at the Norva as well as how to purchase a copy of their debut album. You can find all of this info on the new TGB page. Anyhoo... So now without further ado: Here's Season Two Installment Four: And Baby Makes Three. Have a great time reading and stay warm! Buh-Bye!

Saturday, January 11th, 2003

Well…sitting backstage here at the Norva in Norfolk, VA…getting ready to go on stage in front of somewhere around 800 people…various hair colors float around the dressing room in shades of red & black, blonde and purple, & black, blonde, purple… and green. That Girl Band is going on stage soon to the largest crowd they’ve ever had the pleasure to perform in front of. Brooke is running around looking for the drummer, finding him sitting in the corner using his knees for drum pads. Sam is helping out with hair and make-up and I’m hiding here in a separate room trying to calm my nerves and get this off to C.C. to post. Okay… enough stalling… Here’s Season Two Installment Three: Going To The Head Of The Class… See everybody soon!!! Have a great read and remember to join the Yahoo list for access to Season One. Feed the bards and you’ll be surprised what you might get in return… Later!!!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2002

Now, that there's no trouble with my modem...<bg> Hmmm... What's New.... A WHOLE LOT!!! Let's see in the two weeks since the last installment, one of the writers, K. Darblyne has started negotiations to begin publishing of her Healing Touch Series starting with the first book, The Fellowship. While KD has been busy with that, Carrie's band, That Girl Band has been preparing for their first major showcase which will be in 3 weeks from this posting. TGB will be shooting their first video the night of January 11th and they are currently assured that two major record labels will be in attendance that night. So watch out! They might be coming to a town near you sometime in the not so distant future. Congrats to both authors!!!

Now... as for what's new in the world of Unbroken, how about Installment Two? Thanks to everyone who has joined the Yahoo list, which by the way, we highly recommend, since everyone was so excited for Installment One of Season Two that the site was completely crashed for 5 days and not even the authors could access it to work on it. Every installment CAN be found on the yahoo groups site for the UnbrokenMold. Now... enough jibber-jabbin'... Here's Installment Two!!!

Season Two: Installment Two - Leaving...On A Jet Plane

We wish everyone safe and Happy Holidays and we will be seein' you after the holiday season!!!

Sunday, December 8, 2002

What's New? Well, there's definitely a new look to the site; freshly updated just in time for the start of Season Two of Unbroken. If you're wondering where all of the first season installments are, they have been moved to the Yahoo Groups Site and can be found in the Files section of the group. So, if you're looking for Season One of Unbroken, be sure to join the list and you can find everything you need there to catch up.  

Also be sure to check out the "Family" page. The photo album has been updated with new photos of Brooke, Sam, Mario, Henry & Mable and several more....

Now... without further delay, let's find out where our girls left off... Shall we?

Season Two: Installment One - Wedding Bell Blues

Don't forget to Feed the Bards!!! Email the authors of Unbroken and let them know what you think at: